Tuesday 10 March 2009

Willyaki Story (exclusive)

Here is a completed Willyaki Story on ebook (in Japanese).  
Story of how I started Takoyaki stall business in UK.  
Full of details, pictures and exciting stories.

Monday 12 January 2009

"just keep on puddling" by Jay Van Andel

Here is a quick passage I want to share from one of my favorite speaker/entrepreneur ...

In South Atlantic on coast of Africa, a passenger fell off the big ship into the ocean, but not one saw.
1 hour later friends noticed she had fallen and persuaded Ocean giant ship to turn around. In the middle of the night, 2 hours later, they came across her. A chance in a million, a chance in 10 million she was found, and she was found because she kept the attitude of positive attitude and kept paddling on her back until she was found, and she hadn't stopped paddling.

That's a pretty good lesson, that one way to succeed is "just keep on puddling" "just keep on puddling".
I've seen good many business owners who succeeded in this way, they just kept paddling.

Jay Van Andel, Co Founder of Alticor, former Chairman of American Chambers of Commerce.

Friday 9 January 2009

Making most of your spare room - homestay

instead of letting a spare room out through normal letting which you will get £180-£250/ room and you have to let it all time of the year.

If you either let through B&B or become a host family for international students, you can charge £100-£170/week and only have to let when you want to in short term. That is potentially £600/month / room. That money is equivalent to 25 hours/ week in part time job.

Have you considered this? Maybe pass it onto someone who can benefit from this idea.

If you own the house, it seems to be very easy to sign up and become a host family when you want to, short stay as 1 day to 14 days. Sometime 3 months.


there are also sites, where there is a community where you can let like B&B style just for Japanese, Chinese or Korean people.

I thought, if you own an house with 4 bed and rent 3 out like this way, the cashflow is huge even it's not let all through the year!

Multiple Income = Large Income

Thursday 8 January 2009

人は みな裸で同じようにこの世に生まれてくる。 ケン ジョセフ氏

最近ハマっている 本の中から 感動する 話をリレーしたいと思います。。

白井ひろふみ の 作品 ”ニューリッチの王国” ”本当の豊かさはなにか?  の本の ご紹介します、、 

人は みな裸で同じようにこの世に生まれてくる。 ケン ジョセフ氏

ケン ジョセフの父親は、日本敗戦後、マッカーサー Douglas A. MacArthur (1880-1964) が”この国の復興には1万人のボランティアが必要だ” とアメリカ国民い訴えるおを聞いて、日本にやってきた教師である。 敗戦後お困難に喘ぐ日本人を励まし、教会で祈り、ボランティアとして多くの日本人を助けた。 しかし、幼かったケンは、何故両親が日本人のために尽くしているのかが納得がいかなかった。 というのは、日本人の子供と一緒に遊ぶと、アメリカ人のこどもの母親から、”シラミがうつる。 だから、日本人の子供と遊んだら、うちの子と遊ばないで”と言われたからだ。

当時の東京にはstreet children もいたし、ホームレスもいっぱいいた。 ケンは池袋の駅でうまれてはじめてホームレスをみたというが、その時、”あのおじさんたち、凄く臭そう”といったら、母親からこっぴどく叱られたという。 その時、ケンの母親はこう言った。

”ケン、何て事言うの。あのおじさんたちは、昔はどこかおお母さんのかわいい赤ちゃんだったのよ。 お前と同じように、この世に赤ちゃんとして裸で生まれて来たんですよ。 その事を考えなさい。”
それ以来、どんな人間を見ても、ケンの頭には この時お母親の 言葉が浮かんで、その人間が赤ん坊だった頃を想像してしまうようになったという。。 

感動しました。。 リッチデボスもよく 皆は愛された子だと おっしゃってます。。


Friday 2 January 2009



Wow, a year went so so fast!! Hope you had a wonderful & successful 2008.
It's very important to review last your 12 months, things that had gone well, things that had not gone well so you can do even better in 2009.

How was your Christmas and New Year Vacation? Did you spend with friends and families? Xinxin and I were fortunate to be able to spend with our families and close friends.
A famous author Jim Rohn once said, "if you are too busy to spend your time with your family, you are too busy"
It's a great line and there is a lot of truth in that.

For Xinxin and I, 2008 was an incredible year, we worked very very hard in our business, (little too hard) and we realized the importance of balance of work to fun.
2009 will be a great challenge for both of us as we are jumping into the unknown and changing many things. One of the changes is to move down to London and making many changes to our lifestyle and business. But we know if that is what the voice inside of you say to follow, it must be the right one. I also learnt the importance of having a clear goal and reason of where you want to end up. If that goal is strong enough then it's very easy to make all of the smaller decisions. When you are unsure which way to go, which decision to take, probably your overall goal of where you want to be in 3-5 years is not clear enough.

In 2008, I was fortunate to encounter many inspirational people who made me realize that they have become who they are not due to the environment, circumstances but as that's what they wanted to. So they initially fooled themselves to be who they wanted to be. Then eventually the people around them started to accept them as who they wanted to be. So once you can fool yourself, everyone else will be fooled too.

After all, "You become what you think about" Earl Nightingale.

I was recently reading "The Snow Ball, Warren Buffett" by Alice Shroder.
Warren Buffett is the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, Investment Holding Company. He is also one of the top 3 richest man in the world having donated quite a huge sums to Bill Gates Donation. Anyway, in this book there is a story where Warren decided to attend Columbia Business School and decided not to pay himself and find a way to get funded. He found an article in his local newspaper that on that day, the local organization was giving a full grants for MBA. It turned out that he was the only one that turned up so he got it, then he went to Columbia Business School, where he met the world famous Benjamin Graham, author of "Intelligent Investor", "Security Analysis" which Buffett refers to "one of the best book written on investing by far". It turned out that long time ago, the lecturer Ben Graham had also attended Columbia Business School at an early age with full scholarship only later to find out, he got accepted and received full scholarship due to registry's paper mistake. Meaning he was not meant to be accepted and get a scholarship, but he became the best student and rest is history.

From these two stories, what I want to share is that, yes they were very very lucky. But they got lucky after they decided on what they wanted and took action. I have similar stories of how lucky I have been in my life, so all of us should try what we want to pursue and we never know how lucky we may get. We can only find out how lucky we have been looking back, not looking forward. ( LUCK = labour under correct knowledge. )

I also recommend Steve Job's (CEO of Apple) speech at Stanford Graduation. Truly inspirational. He has many important messages.

Anyway, I wish you all the best for 2009 and my message to myself aswell as to you is TRY, as you never know how lucky you may get and that may change the course of your life.

lots of love
(^O^) (^x^) (^3^) (^v^) (^c^) (^o^) (^_^) (^O^) (^x^) (^3^) (^v^) (^c^) (^o^) (^_^) (^O^) (^x^) (^3^) (^v^) (^c^) (^o^) (^_^) (^O^) (^x^) (^3^) (^v^) (^c^) (^o^) (^_^)
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(^O^) (^x^) (^3^) (^v^) (^c^) (^o^) (^_^) Will & Xinxin (^O^) (^x^) (^3^) (^v^) (^c^) (^o^) (^_^)
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Tuesday 16 December 2008

Will Christophers' Art Gallery

Please also visit my art gallery.


I am an Artist aswell as an Entrepreneur, Investor, Author, & Philanthropist.

Will 2 day opened

Welcome to my blog "Will 2 day".

Here I would like to use this blog as somewhere to reflect my current thoughts, books review, business strategies, ideas and recent inspirations.  

There are few reasons of doing this..
1/ It may be of help to somebody out there.  It may change their life from the books recommendations or through my inspirational words.
2/ Create network of link minded people and an opportunity for me to learn further in the subject from the feedback. 
3/ Sharing is the best way to absorb and simplify your mind. 

Sharing previous project movies